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Washington State University
Museum of Anthropology Granite Point (45WT41)

Area A (Leonhardy 1970, Table 6)

1APost-Ash Aeolian Sands

Minimal terminal date: 955 +/- 155 B.P. [WSU-666]
Assemblage A1
1BPost-Ash Aeolian Sands
2Paludal deposition: Pond or slough bottom Partial dog skeleton
3APost-Ash Aeolian SandsAssemblage A3a
3BColluvial deposition: Possibly mud flow from canyon wall
3CLater Floodplain

Approximate date: 2,440 +/- 170 B.P. [WSU-667]
Assemblage A3c
4Paludal deposition: Possible pond or slough bottom
5Later Floodplain: At least five alluvial bedsAssemblage A5-6
6Later Floodplain

Minimal initial date: 5,145 +/- 200 B.P. [WSU-668]
Assemblage 6 [as part of Assemblage 5-6]
7Early FloodplainIndication of human occupation, no artifacts

Stratigraphy of West and North Walls, Area A (Leonhardy 1970, Fig. 5 & 6)

Area B (Leonhardy 1970, Table 7)

Stratum DescriptionAssociation
1APost-Ash Aeolian SandsAssemblage B1A
1BPost-Ash Aeolian Sands
1CPost-Ash Aeolian SandsAssemblage B1C
2Post-Ash Aeolian Sands

*Maximum initial date: 3,075 +/- 160 B.P. [WSU-665]
Assemblage B2
3Later Floodplain: Indistinct alluvial beds

Minimum terminal date: 3,075 +/- 160 B.P. [WSU-665]
Assemblage B3
4Early Floodplain: Alluvial beds, diffuse iron oxide stainAssemblage B4


Example of Stratigraphy, Area B (Leonhardy 1970, Fig. 11)
Example of Stratigraphy, Area B (Leonhardy 1970, Fig. 11)

Area C (Leonhardy 1970, Table 8)

18-15Colluvial deposition: slump and slopewash deposits
14Post-Ash Aeolian Sands
13Post-Ash Aeolian Sands
12Post-Ash Aeolian SandsAssemblage C1b
11CPale Loess (Sandy facies)
11BVolcanic Ash: Aeolian sand and volcanic ash mixtureAssemblage C2
11AVolcanic Ash: Layer of pure volcanic ash
10BPre-Ash Aeolian SandsAssemblage C3
10AFan Deposit
9Early Floodplain: flood plain silt
8Pre-Ash Aeolian SandsAssemblage C3b, Assemblage C3
7-3Early Floodplain: Sterile floodplain deposits
2Fan Deposit
1Cobble Gravel: Culture-bearing cobble gravelAssemblage C4


Stratigraphy of the Control Block, Area C, 1968 Excavation (Leonhardy 1970, Fig. 18)
Stratigraphy of the Control Block, Area C, 1968 Excavation (Leonhardy 1970, Fig. 18)

Stratigraphic Section 1 (Leonhardy 1970, Table 9)

1Post-Ash Aeolian Sands
2Colluvial Deposition
3Later Floodplains
4Early Floodplains

Stratigraphic Section 2 (Leonhardy 1970, Table 10)

1Post-Ash Aeolian Sands
2Colluvial Deposition
3Post-Ash Aeolian Sands
4Pale Loess
5Volcanic Ash
6Colluvial Deposition
7Pre-Ash Aeolian Sands
8Early Floodplains


Stratigraphic Section 3 (Leonhardy 1970, Table 11)

1Post-Ash Aeolian Sands
2Pale Loess
3Early Floodplain

Stratigraphic Section 7 (Leonhardy 1970, Table 12)

1Post-Ash Aeolian Sands
2Pale Loess
3Volcanic Ash
4Colluvial Deposition
5Fan Gravel


*For more detailed sediment descriptions please refer to Leonhardy 1970.